The Intra Company Transfer (ICT) program enables multinational corporations to transfer staff from a foreign branch or subsidiary to a linked firm in another country. It allows temporary staff migration within the same organization to meet business requirements, foster knowledge exchange, and support global operations.

Intra Company Transfer Canada To PR For India

Approved applicants receive a temporary work permit through the Intra Company Transfer. Because Canadian work experience is highly prized under Canada’s point-based immigration system, job experience earned a springboard to Intra Company Transfer Canada to PR.

Accompanying family members may join the foreign worker in Canada, with the spouse or common-law partner of the intra company transfer eligible for an open work permit.

The intra-company transfer program allows employers to bring international workers without needing a Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), resulting in a potentially faster, easier, and cost-effective process compared to the LMIA route. Qualified intra-company transferees play a crucial role in enhancing Canada’s economic competitiveness by sharing their skills and expertise within the Canadian job market. Intra company transfers are permitted in multiple countries.

intra company transfer canada | intra company transfer program
intra company transfer canada | intra company transfer program

General Requirements for the Employee

  • The individual must work for a multinational company in Canada, either as a parent company, subsidiary, branch, or affiliated entity.
  • The enterprise must have a qualifying relationship in Canada, as specified.
  • The applicant must seek employment in Canada involving executive, senior managerial, or specialized knowledge roles.
  • Must have worked for the company for at least one year (full-time) in the previous three years.

Please keep in mind that the International Mobility Program uses the following definitions from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to determine executive competence, senior managerial capacity, and specialized knowledge.

Executive Capacity

A post must have some or all of the following qualities to be considered executive:

  • Directs the organization’s management or a main component or function of the organization
  • Establishes the organization’s, component’s, or function’s goals and policies
  • Has broad discretionary decision-making authority;
  • Higher-level executives, the board of directors, or the organization’s owners provide only general oversight or guidance.

Managerial Capacity

A position must have some or all of the following requirements to be considered management capacity:

  • Oversees the organization or one of its departments, subdivisions, functions, or components
  • Oversees and supervises the work of other supervisors, professionals, or management staff, or manages a critical function inside the organization, such as a department or unit
  • Having the power to make employment decisions, such as hiring and termination, and the ability to recommend other personnel actions if there are no other directly supervised employees operating at a senior level within the organizational hierarchy or performing duties regulated by the role.
  • Has day-to-day control over the task or function for which the employee is responsible.

General Requirements for the Multinational Company

  • The enterprise must have one of the following ties outside and inside Canada: parent, subsidiary, branch, or affiliate.
  • The two companies must be conducting business. It means they offer goods and services on a regular and ongoing basis. Simply having a location in Canada will not meet this requirement.

If an applicant fits the conditions above, they may submit a work permit application for an LMIA-exempt as a work permit. Applications can be offered at a Canadian Port of Entry (POE), at the relevant Visa Application Centre (VAC), or online, depending on the foreign person’s country of residence and citizenship from Intra Company Transfer Canada to PR for India.

Certain nations have negotiated trade agreements with Canada, providing Intra-Company Transferees with extra alternatives. Foreign nationals from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) or Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) countries should examine those agreements for additional possibilities. Furthermore, you can get the best ICT business consultant from us.